Property Management and the Summer of 2020 – Respond. Adapt. Succeed.


Recently, while waiting for a ZOOM meeting to start, one of my colleagues was telling me about the very insightful way her family has chosen to deal with the unprecedented times we’re all living our way through. In the very early weeks of the crisis, they made a pact with another couple that neither family would socialize with anyone outside their core group – two mom’s, two dad’s and their respective children. They get together every week for dinner and their children can have actual in-person playdates. This unique approach has made it possible for two families with children to maintain a quasi-sense of normalcy and human connection without risking their health or the health of others. 

Who could have imagined six months ago that this would be a real-life scenario playing out?

Human Spirit at Play.

This story is just one of a million different examples of how people and companies are finding creative ways to adapt to a global crisis with no seeming end in sight. The human spirit, continually at play, finds ways to serve the most needy, entrepreneurial spirits kick in and new, relevant businesses launch (a.k.a. masks), and we’ve even managed to find humor in daily memes that mock us trying to pretend like we’re “real” teachers and expert ZOOMERS. 

Property Management Takes Stalk.

The Property Management industry, like every other industry, has had to stand up, take stalk of the situation and find creative ways to deal with the unimaginable in real time – everything from rent collection, evictions, how to lease apartments, interact with residents, address illness at communities and, at the top of every Property Managers list is taking care of its employees. Every day is a new day with its own unique set of challenges that quickly become opportunities.

Be Nimble and Adapt to Succeed

As a valuable member of the Property Management industry, how well are you adapting to change in these unprecedented times? 

“It is not the strongest of the species that survive, not the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change.” Charles Darwin

Over the last two months, we’ve all been challenged to think and behave quickly and in ways that are unfamiliar and potentially uncomfortable; Working remote and virtual meetings are perfect examples of a working society’s ability to be nimble and adapt quickly. 

So, how do you become an invaluable member of your property management team? First, be open and receptive to new ways of doing things and be nimble – it’s called adapting. Second, now is an excellent time to focus on personal growth and development. The Property Management Industry values credentials so take advantage of learning opportunities to boost your credibility and confidence.


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